I attend a local community college(Butte College) four days a week. I love being there, but, I must admit, I have not always loved the people. All I hear about is drugs, smoking pot, and sex, and I thought that’s all college kids cared about.
Every week my friend and I do something called free prayer. We sit at a table, set an umbrella upside down in front of us, and tape a sign saying “free prayer” to the top of it. We then just sit and wait for people to look at the sign or come up to us. Then we pray for them, it’s as simple as that. During these times, we have prayed for everything from passing a test to strength for an ex-heroin addict. It’s been such a fruitful time and I have been so blessed by these people.
This week something hit me…
This week God taught me that college people, well, all people, have hearts, souls, and need love. Though they try to act all tough, let’s be honest, we all need love continually. So, before I write someone off as being an apathetic, rude, evil person, I have to remember God loves them. He wants them. Badly. And I know I can be so apathetic, I’ve been extremely rude, and my fleshly desires are wickedly evil.
Everyone needs love, well, everyone needs God. I know this may sound so simple but I’m still trying to figure this all out. How I can be a better example to others? How I can love them better? How I can I show God to them?
So, as a new week is approaching, I am excited to love the people that attend Butte college. Give them a scantron if they need one, help them with studying, maybe even share God with them or pray for them.
God is so incredible in how He loves us. How He loves me enough to put up with my crazy ideas about people and gently direct me in the way I should think. How He loves all of us so much and how no one is “too far gone”. My God loves me. Even though I can be so selfish, hyper, and insane. My God loves me and He loves everyone! Okay, I think I’ve said that God loves us enough times, though it never gets old.
Sorry, this was fairly long, but I just have to say, I’m blessed by all of you and I’m so excited to go to Uganda with you, to be tired with you, to be joyful with you, to worship with you, and to serve with you.
God loves you so much!
~Abigail Clark